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Card limits and Fees

Card limits and fees 

Card price :

$  49.00 

Monthly fees:

FEEE -  $ 0.00

Minimum deposite 

$ 1.00

Maximum deposite 

+ ∞

Card validation 

4 years

Daily withdrawal limits 

  $   10 000

Monthly withdrawal limits

$    100 000

                                                                     Card security                                                                                             VBV, SecByMastercard.SMS.PIN Code
               Lost or Stolen card fees $ 13.00
Renew the card $  49.00
U.S Payment service activation $ 0.00 

ATM Withdrwal fees                    0.25 %
Deposite via Perfectmoney                  FREE
Deposite via Crypto:btc,usdt,eth,...                  1.25 %
P.O.S & Online shopping                       FREE

Perfectmoney word
Perfectmoneycard is authtorized by perfectmoney as a certified card processor and it is the official website and the only place where you can get your perfectmoney card .